From March 12th to 15th 2024, the Thai capital hosted the Broiler Feed Quality Conference. A look back at our participation in this event…

Broiler feeding at the heart of debates
Two days of conference to discuss and broach innovations around the quality of broiler feed. This is the challenge taken up by the organisers of the event, in which 170 delegates from 18 countries participated: Thailand, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, South Korea, Pakistan, Canada, France, United State, Austria, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, New-Zealand.
The missions: helping broiler producers to face their challenges and advancing the industry’s sustainable development efforts.
The use of essential oils and spices extracts
That is the solution suggested by our poultry species manager – Jean Francois Gabarrou, during his presentation. He exposed a study showing that nitrogen retention decreases when crude protein decreases. Quoted in an Asian Agribiz article, he said that “essential oils increase nitrogen retention when added to the low crude protein control diet”, emphasizing the importance of carefully selecting and manufacturing essential oil products. Liberato Castro – our Asian manager and Christophe Langlade – our commercial director, were present alongside him, as well as our Asian partners – Vetinter and Phuok Kang Hung.
A summit which allowed to highlight the expertise of our company in the sector. Discover our range of products dedicated to your broilers feeding!